Version not feed trough correctly to all files in 2021.04.08 release


I was looking at the changes in the 2021.04.08 release (see
Updated to UVVM version 2021.04.08b - Please see CHANGES.TXT for deta… · UVVM/UVVM@9ea90a3 · GitHub)

What I noticed is that the date is not set correctly in the methods_pkg.vhd in uvvm_util/src

package methods_pkg is

constant C_UVVM_VERSION : string := “v2 2020.12.21”;
constant C_UVVM_VERSION : string := “v2 2020.04.08”; <<<<===== I think this should be 2021


What I also noticed is that the date is not set correctly in the changes.txt of the bitvis_vip_gpio

Released: 2020-04-08 <<<<===== I think this should be 2021

  • Updated the VVC QR with information on how to use the VVC as input, output or inout.


Released: 2020-10-06

Same applies for the bitvis_vip_uart

Released: 2020-04-08 <<<<===== I think this should be 2021

  • Minor update in uart_receive example in VVC QuickRef.


Released: 2020-12-08


Hi Eric,

Unfortunately updating dates and version numbers are manually work and sometimes updating some of the the information slips.
The C_UVVM_VERSION should reflect the current release version, thus “v2 2021.04.08” should be the correct date for that version.
The release date of the other verification modules, i.e. VIPs, FW and Util, are only updated in the release if they have changes in that release. That is, a verification module can have an old release date and version number that is not changed for several releases if it has no changes.



Hi Marius,

I agree.
It is just that the txt file mention a change, the version number goes up, but the date goes back.
I don’t have a problem with that, and it is only a txt file, so no harm in the code.
I see it only as a typo in the txt files.


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