How to distinghous between UVVM releases?


Can I read in my testbench the version of the UVVM library?
If so, how?

I want to have a check on the version in my testbench.
Say I have delivered my code with version X in January
In the mean time a new version of UVVM is deployed by the CAD support under the same name.
I want to check the version and raise a warning if it isn’t the same.


Hi Erick,
There is no functionality to read the UVVM version in the testbench, so the version has to be read manually from the CHANGES.TXT file located in the UVVM root folder. Note that we use a date format for the complete UVVM release and semantic versioning for each of the UVVM modules.

Best regards,

Hi Marius,

Any plans to add this to the library?


Hi Erick,
Yes, I think this was a good idea and will add this to our next release.


Hi Marius,

That is good to hear.
How will this version number be?
I noticed that the last few version are all named as v2 with a date tag.
So I assume there will be atleast two identifiers for the release?

Any idea about that?
Anything you can share how you think of these “identifiers”?
And will this be in the next release?
And when is that schedulde?


Hi Eric,
The constant will most probably be called C_UVVM_VERSION and is set in the Util methods_pkg, and probably in the format as in CHANGES.TXT, e.g. “v2 2020.08.28” (string). It will be available in the next release, but I do not think there will be any release until September / October.


New release has been pushed to GitHub with the version number available in the Util methods_pkg.