I am trying to add self checking mechanism to another module I am currently verifying.
I am trying to implement an i2c_slave_receive in my tb. I can see the first data and clock transactions after 25 us, therefore, I set the max_wait_scl_change and max_wait_sda_change to 50 us but I’m still getting timeout errors.
The max_wait_scl_change and max_wait_sda_change timeout values are probably not the ones making the problems in the testbench. The timeout seems to be coming from an await_value() that you have added as a checker inside your testbench sequencer - right? I guess your DUT/module is the I2C master in the test environment and that you are using the VVC as slave to verify its behavior.
For some reason the await_value() in your sequencer times out - do you call the await_value() after sending the VVC command? The await_value() is a blocking time consuming method, thus it will have to be called after the VVC command if both are in the same sequencer, i.e. process.
I added a few messages within the procedure for some quick debugging for myself. When my sim fails, the failure reports the msg within the await_value procedure on line 1494 “this is sda = 1 check”.
Within my tb, the scl and sda signals that drive the bfm (ch1_i2c_scl_sig and ch1_i2c_sda_sig) are tied to signals that come out of the DUT. The sda signal that comes out of the DUT is tied to a weak pull-up resistor. Could the weak pull-up signal be the reason that the bfm is giving me issues?
I do not think the weak pull-ups are causing the problems as the await_value() is using the MATCH_STD argument which include weak value levels:
if ((exp = '1' or exp = 'H') and (target /= '1') and (target /= 'H')) then
wait until (target = '1' or target = 'H') for max_time;
elsif ((exp = '0' or exp = 'L') and (target /= '0') and (target /= 'L')) then
wait until (target = '0' or target = 'L') for max_time;
end if;
Can you paste your test sequencer code? It would help debugging to see which commands are used and their order of appearance in the sequencer.
I guess this is a debug logging you have added to the BFM - does it state that SDA is ‘U’? Is this the same signal that you are logging in your wave view as well, and does it say ‘1’/‘H’ or ‘0’/‘L’ there at the timeout?