UVVM compilation warning using VUNIT

I’m using the VUNIT to execute unit tests and introduced lately the UVVM framework to my testbench to get advantage of its structure and available VCs as the avalon MM.
I noticed that the scoreboard feature wasnt working as expected (e.g when using the avalon_mm_read with “TO_SB” argument) and I have some concerns about the following compilation errors:

WARNING - /home/z004w3mf/workspace/MyFirstProject/Framework_Test_uvvm/uvvm/uvvm_util/src/rand_pkg.vhd: failed to find library ‘cyclic_queue_pkg’
WARNING - /home/z004w3mf/workspace/MyFirstProject/Framework_Test_uvvm/uvvm/bitvis_vip_scoreboard/src/generic_sb_pkg.vhd: failed to find library ‘sb_queue_pkg’
WARNING - /home/z004w3mf/workspace/MyFirstProject/Framework_Test_uvvm/uvvm/bitvis_vip_avalon_mm/src/vvc_methods_pkg.vhd: failed to find library ‘avalon_mm_sb_pkg’

is it due to the usage of UVVM with VUNIT or another reason ? Is there any solution to solve those warnings ?


Could you let us know which simulator you are using and if you have any compilation errors? The warnings regarding rand_pkg, generic_sb_pkg, and vvc_methods_pkg arise because these packages are both instantiated and utilised within the same package. We are working on a fix and expect to roll out an update soon.

What specific issues are you experiencing with the scoreboard?


thanks for the quick answer. I was able to fix the issue with the scoreboad.