I’m using the VUNIT to execute unit tests and introduced lately the UVVM framework to my testbench to get advantage of its structure and available VCs as the avalon MM.
I noticed that the scoreboard feature wasnt working as expected (e.g when using the avalon_mm_read with “TO_SB” argument) and I have some concerns about the following compilation errors:
WARNING - /home/z004w3mf/workspace/MyFirstProject/Framework_Test_uvvm/uvvm/uvvm_util/src/rand_pkg.vhd: failed to find library ‘cyclic_queue_pkg’
WARNING - /home/z004w3mf/workspace/MyFirstProject/Framework_Test_uvvm/uvvm/bitvis_vip_scoreboard/src/generic_sb_pkg.vhd: failed to find library ‘sb_queue_pkg’
WARNING - /home/z004w3mf/workspace/MyFirstProject/Framework_Test_uvvm/uvvm/bitvis_vip_avalon_mm/src/vvc_methods_pkg.vhd: failed to find library ‘avalon_mm_sb_pkg’
is it due to the usage of UVVM with VUNIT or another reason ? Is there any solution to solve those warnings ?