I am a complete newbie to UVVM. I am playing with it to decide if this is the way to go or is OSVVM better. I tried to run a simple simulation using Questa 2019.2. I created a sim directory in the bitvis_uart design and ran the simulato from there with the “do …/script/compile_all_and simulate.do”. It compiles and the design starts to load and then I get a fatal
Loading bitvis_vip_scoreboard.generic_sb_pkg(body)
** Fatal: Internal error: …/…/src/vsim/rtu.c (4724)
Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Region: /generic_sb_pkg File: …/…/bitvis_vip_scoreboard/script/…/src/generic_sb_pkg.vhd Line: 2479
FATAL ERROR while loading design
Error loading design
Error: Error loading design
Pausing macro execution
MACRO ./…/script/simulate_demo_tb.do PAUSED at line 16
Can anyone tell me what is causing this and is there a work around? Thanks so much.