I tried to use the latest AXI-Lite VIP in Modelsim (2020.4), but now I’m already stuck when starting the simulator.
A short info:
I already use the previous VIP and everything has worked flawlessly so far. I wanted to switch to the new version, but now I have the problem that Modelsim stops loading the design with the following error:
# ** Fatal: (SIGSEGV) Bad handle or reference.
# Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Process: / test_tb / axilite_vvc_1 / read_address_channel_executor File: V:/UVVM /script/../bitvis_vip_axilite/script/../src/axilite_vvc.vhd
# FATAL ERROR while loading design
In my test bench, which leads to this error, only the AXI-Lite VCC is instantiated, nothing else. If I start the AXI-Lite VCC component itself directly from its library, Modelsim loads without any problems. I cannot explain the current behavior, because apparently all necessary components have been compiled correctly and should be available.
here is some additional information.
I have observed this problem with the AXI Lite VIP version 2.8.0.
Since I’ve now gone back to version 2.7.1, everything works fine.
We have found a workaround for this issue. It will be included in the next release.
This issue has also been reported earlier. See https://github.com/UVVM/UVVM/issues/118 where you can also find example code that can be used until the next release.