Hi, I am a newbie to use the UVVM_Lite for my verification. I met an question is how to use the uart_expect or uart_receive, I use it like this:
-- UART Internal Procedures
procedure uart_expect (
constant data_exp : in std_logic_vector;
constant msg : in string) is
uart_expect (
data_exp => data_exp,
msg => msg,
rx => tx_o,
terminate_loop => terminate_loop,
max_receptions => 1,
timeout => -1 ns,
alert_level => ERROR,
config => uart_bfm_config,
scope => C_SCOPE,
msg_id_panel => shared_msg_id_panel
for i in 0 to 255 loop
v_data_exp := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,8));
--wait for 1 ps;
--wait for 2*c_clkperiod;
wait for 1 ps;
--wait for 2*c_clkperiod;
end loop;
But the simulation is FAILURE and the log like this:
UVVM: =========================================================================================================================================================================
UVVM: *** FAILURE #1 ***
UVVM: 7752 ns TB seq.
UVVM: check_value() => Failed. std_logic Was '0'. Expected '1'
UVVM: uart_expect(x"00") while executing uart_receive. Bus was active when trying to receive data.
UVVM: Simulator has been paused as requested after 1 FAILURE
UVVM: *** To find the root cause of this alert, step out the HDL calling stack in your simulator. ***
UVVM: *** For example, step out until you reach the call from the test sequencer. ***
UVVM: =========================================================================================================================================================================
Could anybody give me same addvice?
thanks in advance!