when i use a keyword called random it will give the random data. when i do multiple runs of simulation it is generating the same data every time. How can I get a different set of data at every time when I run the simulation?
In UVM we have an option of driving the seed from the makefile, do we have something similar here
I have moved this question to a new topic since it is not related to VVCs read back.
In UVVM there is the randomize() function you can use to set the global seeds in your testbench. You can find more information on this in the util_quick_ref.pdf under uvvm_util\doc.
a_in := random(a_in'length);
b_in := random(b_in'length);
opp := random(1,3);
I used the random function as above, but the type of inputs that are being generated was the same at each and every run. how can I get a different set of data for when I run it every time is my question?
constant GC_SEED1 : integer := 10;
constant GC_SEED2 : integer := 15;
p_main: process
for i in 0 to 10 loop
randomize(GC_SEED1, GC_SEED2, “Setting Global Seeds”);
a_in := random(a_in’length);
b_in := random(b_in’length);
opp := random(1,3);
alu_write(ALU_INTF_VVCT,1,a_in,b_in,std_logic_vector(to_signed(opp,3)),‘1’,“Writing the data”, C_SCOPE);
alu_read(ALU_INTF_VVCT,1,“input data result”, C_SCOPE);
v_cmd_idx := get_last_received_cmd_idx(ALU_INTF_VVCT, 1);
await_completion(ALU_INTF_VVCT,1,150 ns); – this waits for all VVC cmds to finish
fetch_result(ALU_INTF_VVCT,1, v_cmd_idx, v_result, “Fetching result from read operation”);
wait for 10 ns;
end loop;
I did it like this for the fist run then changed the values again and ran but I didn’t get like you
can you tell me how to add my snapshot also like this I am unable to share it
You are re-initializing the seeds on every iteration, therefore you get the same values.
The randomize() function should be placed outside the loop and run only once as the purpose is to set an initial value for the global seeds, after that the seeds will get updated with every call to the random() function.
You can just copy the snapshot directly into the reply box or upload an image.
I used this command in makefile it is working for me now
vsim -sv_seed random -gui -debugDB RX1_tb -assertdebug -do wave.do -do "log -r /*; run -all"
This command is used in System Verilog to run the simulation, where every time you call this command the seed value will also get generated randomly because of the keyword random
do we also have something like this which will do the random generation of seed values form the command line itself?